Preparing to enter a New Year, the channel is advising us to take steps to truly and finally integrate our energies, here and from all dimensions, into our divine selves. The urgent thing is to understand what our divine self is, and just how to do that.

Divine Self: The Us that knows we are healed, and that we are the highest answer. We must embrace, once and for all, that it is up to us to direct energy on this plane: that climate change, terrorism, health issues, financial balance and love are up to us. Where is our focus and intention around these things? Are we accepting, in every minute, our divine responsibility in creating the peace, harmony, love, and balance we so desire in our world? Are we letting fear dominate our thoughts which, as we know, will create the very situations in the world we do not want? The Divine Self knows it is responsible for choosing and holding the focus with love. The Divine Self accepts that right now, in this moment, I Am healed. In this moment, now, is where creation is created. In this moment, now, we must know.

Our story has always been one of redemption: that we must pay for our “sins”- and carry the cross of our story with us through the streets of our lives. But we cannot know we are free, that it is done, that we are the highest answer, and that we are an integrated whole knowing and accepting our responsibility as creators if we are dragging that cross through our lives in eternal payment for being Us.

Now is the time for us to be, and send, the electrical charge of Powerful Love and Committed Knowing out to the Universe. Now is the time to BE the Creative Force, and hold firmly the knowing that we are the power. Now is the creative moment that holds the outcome for 2016. Let us move in to the New Year bravely, with conviction, knowing we are the God of I Am, and that our divine selves are integrated completely from all dimensions into our divine selves.

Blessings, Dee