“Contact all energy with the intention of love. Love creates and completes everything”
Contact Dee
You might not believe it but Dee really does read each and every e-mail that is sent to her. Due to her schedule she is not always able to respond, but rest assured that she loves and appreciates each and every one of you!
Email: [email protected]
Email Dee
If you wish to receive a signed autograph from Ms. Wallace, please click here.
Harlan Boll
(626) 296-3757
[email protected]
Jonathan Richter
Wolf, Rifkin
310-478-4100 Ext. 6683
Speaking Engagements
AEI Speakers Bureau
Jennifer Orell
214 Lincoln Street, Suite 113
Boston, MA 02134
(617) 782-3111
[email protected]
Literary Press
Harlan Boll
(626) 296-3757
[email protected]
Amsel, Eisenstadt & Frazier, Inc.
5055 Wilshire Blvd. #865
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 939-1188 phone
(323) 939-0630 fax
Dee’s Personal Assistant/Webmaster
Lauryn Geimer / Blackbird Creative LA
(818) 876-0386