by Dee Wallace | Jan 6, 2025 | blog
The most important word in the above sentence is NEW. And so let us make a list of what we want in this NEW year: 1) Peace. Within ourselves and the world. 2) Health and wellness in body, mind and soul 3) Financial Abundance – get specific about the amount! 4)...
by Dee Wallace | Dec 30, 2024 | blog
Are you ready to ring in the New Year? Are you ready for new, joyful creation? Remember, creating joyfully does not depend on ANY outward circumstances or events. Joyful creation is a CHOICE you make to BE and to touch the world with. What story can you choose to let...
by Dee Wallace | Dec 16, 2024 | blog
What does that even mean? Is it even possible to create balance during this crazy, whacky, wonderful time of the year? I guess that depends on your definition of balance. OK Channel. What is the highest definition of balance for the holidays? Get ready for it…....
by Dee Wallace | Dec 7, 2024 | blog
This week I get to celebrate my birthday! About 20 of my girlfriends are meeting me at the restaurant we have been celebrating at for years…another tradition I love and look forward to every year! I like that my birthday is close to Christmas! Everyone is in the...
by Dee Wallace | Dec 2, 2024 | blog
…the Holiday Christmas Season! It’s my favorite time of the year, and I LOVE to share the LOVE! So let me begin by saying how much I love you, and treasure our community. I asked the channel for the greatest guidance of Love during this season. Here is the...
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