OK. You’re going to have to keep an open mind on this one. I’m sick of it. Injustice. I am sick of people “getting away with unjust and immoral acts because of legal loopholes.” I’m sick of people messing with other people’s lives...


I am well into channeling the issues for the Summit, and one of the prevalent things people are asking help with creating is Relationships. So, let’s go over what we know: 1) You have to know what you want. Make a list of all the attributes you want in a...


MONEY   makes the world go around, the world go around, the world go around…I LOVE that song from Cabaret!   You know why? Because money is an expression of energy: I’ll exchange this energy of money for the energy of your service, or time, or...


I am excited. I am floored. I am honored. I have been studying, compiling, and channeling information about health and wellness for a good month now in preparation for The Health and Wellness Summit beginning September 21th. As always, I am led to realizations I do...