So…. I am being faced with some constant negotiating and bargaining with the studio right now. Both sides need to give and take. And you know what must happen for me to receive what I want? I have to ASK for it. These are some of the main beliefs that keep us from asking for what we want:
1) I Am not the God of me = what right do I have to create me
2) I’m not supposed to be here and I don’t belong= I am not worthy
3) I’m scared to death to ask = I’ll be judged in a negative way
4) I’ll never be good enough
5) God betrays me/I betray me=I’ll do it wrong and loose what I want
6) I do not have permission to love who I Am=I shouldn’t ask for what I want
Our job is to be in alignment with what we want, and THEN clearly ask, with our knowing, what I need. Then all energy can create with you!
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