The channel wanted to discuss this Core Belief with us and offer some guidance. Core Belief #8 states:


No matter what I do, it’s not going to work, so I might as well give up on everything.


This can show up in different ways in our manifestation process, such as:

1) I don’t know how to do it

2) I don’t know where to start

3) I’m not smart enough

4) It’s too late

5) Something has to “happen” before I can do this.

6) Someone has to “get out of my way” before I can do this. (i.e., my husband doesn’t want me to)

7) I don’t believe I can be successful at this


All of the above (and there are others) are the ways our mental minds give us “logical excuses” not to start/commit/finish the dreams we want to bring into reality. The achievement begins within YOU.


Have you committed to a dream? Then know/direct yourself to complete it successfully and with great love and joy. Remember, you are magnificent! Create!

