…has visited me again. So after doing the work, I wanted to share with you what the channel tracked for me:

1) I heard on the news that Covid was surging again

2) I was at the doctor for a checkup. She had her mask on. She “mentioned” that she was wearing it again because “covid cases were on the rise again.”

3) I was sharing with a friend my insane schedule for this month. She said, “OMG Dee! Don’t let your Immune System take a dive.”

4) I had the thought that “maybe I should wear a mask at the conventions again”

5) I got to the convention…that was PACKED and had the thought, “Well, perfect place to get Covid.”

6) I didn’t pay attention to my instinct to put a mask on.

7) This allowed the old belief, “I don’t think I have enough energy to do this” (handle this schedule and stay well) to rise up in my subconscious

This is a perfect example of how outside “suggestions” take us out of our knowing and conscious creation. We kind of “go to sleep” and let them in. If we do not consciously stay awake and redirect, in this case, to “I Am Perfect Health and it feels like Love.” we get hypnotized with the suggestions. Stay Conscious. THINK ONLY ON WHAT YOU WANT and create it.

Let me be your big lesson for this week! Cause I love you!
