It isn’t what you think.
It isn’t what you expect.

Many times something has to hit you in the face in a big dramatic way and then, IF you are really conscious, and IF you don’t go into reaction, and IF you objectively ask what it is really about, the opportunity for huge movement presents itself.

And so I share with you my very personal example.

I have been noticing that a small focus on aging is up for me; wondering what the hell will happen to me, and if “I’ll be taken care of” as the years approach for retirement. There have been meetings with my CPA re: ‘is there enough?’ I have been feeling a little fragile around it all.

And so what happens? Someone hacks my account for thousands of dollars. Needless to say, reaction hit before I could even think. Remember that our body reacts before our brain registers. I reacted even more when I couldn’t get a guarantee that the bank would cover this transaction even though I had not authorized it. But after taking all the action steps I could, I got quiet. I asked myself what this was plugging me into.
Trust that I am OK.
Trust that the Universe has my back.
And how do I realize that I am NOT IN TRUST?
By creating reasons not to trust so I can get the ultimate lesson TO TRUST.
I took time to speak with my little girl, and got so much more insight into what I thought I had completely understood before, which was: I have been afraid of this since I was four years old. It has affected my success, my joy, my money flow…my peace. I could feel that fear and panic and confusion as if I were four, and standing at the door looking up at the scary bill collector. That sense memory was keeping me from expanding, and it is time to move on.

I opened my heart. I gave it over to God and the Universe. I trusted it to all be OK. That it would be handled. And I realized for the first time that that partnership had been out of trust since I was a very little child, and how good it felt to trust, again, that God/The Universe has my back.

When “shit happens,” look for the pony. ‘Why Me?’ will not get you to the prize of freedom you are looking for. What can I shift in me? Better yet; what will I shift in me? I’ll keep you posted about the outcome, although I am at peace that I already trust what it will be.

Blessings, Dee