I woke up this morning and opened my eyes to a bright, sunny day. My heart was so glad. I realized how little it took to bring that sense memory of joy into my awareness. I leashed Freedom and we began our gratitude walk. I am still leash training her, so I began being in gratitude that I found a muzzle leash so she wouldn’t pull me! I took in the sun, and the birdies singing, and the spring flowers just starting to peek through. I felt love and gratitude for the hummingbird that played with us and the butterfly that playfully taunted Freedom and got her jumping to meet it midair. I felt thankful for my safe neighborhood and my neighbors of forty years as I passed by with hellos. I felt deep pride when I passed the four American flags flying, and quietly thanked the Universe for a country of Freedom, and integrity, and of government by the people and for the people. I asked that she be blessed with the power of Divine Love. I gave thanks for my family and all they taught me about integrity and the importance of home. And I felt such love for the home I have been in for forty years. I gave thanks for all my talents, acting and healing and being an awesome mom and an inspiration to many. I gave thanks for my daughter and the man who loves her, and for the man who loves me. I gave thanks for all of you.
Sometimes, I choose not to do my gratitude walk: too busy or too cold or too tired blah, blah, blah. But when I realize how good it makes me feel…and feel for the whole day, I realize I simply need to choose to love me every day and take that walk…physically and emotionally and spiritually. I want to choose happiness. I want to choose to wake up that way every day or get myself there as soon as I can.
Happiness is a choice. If we are not happy, we are stuck somewhere between choosing and not choosing. Limbo. I’m sure metaphorically that is what is also known as purgatory.. Because when we choose, we commit, and when we commit, we move forward and the energy flows and we are happy. And creation loves that!
Here’s a song to make you happy and get your day going.
It’s the Buppa song we recorded. Choose to listen. It’ll make you happy. I’m Happy (To Be Me)!
Blessings, Dee
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