Let’s make that our New Year Resolution: I know and accept my own worth. I Am the creation of Me.
The season for victim consciousness is over for this community. This year we stand victorious in our creation process. We Choose, we Know, we Intend, we Feel, we Act, we Allow, we Celebrate. We move bravely forward with compassion, love and joy in the creation of balance everywhere in our lives.
We Forgive. Otherwise, they own our energy.
We find joy and love within. Just because. Not because we need a reason.
We heal ourselves. Because we can and choose to.
We claim our riches, because we deserve them.
We relish our relationships, because we value who we attract.
In every area of our lives, we breath our power, our love and our Commitment to what we joyously choose to create.
Commitment. Once we are committed, all the forces of the Universe open to partner with us.
We state, ” I Know.” We state, “I Am.”
We state, ” I Claim,” We state, ” I Allow.”
We do the exercises.
We choose the thoughts.
We take the action.
We accept our magnificence. We accept other people’s magnificence.
We choose the perspectives that are a perfect vibrational match to what we want:
The world is good.
The world is fair.
People are on my side.
I am supposed to be creating myself, and I belong in all the success, health and wealth and happiness that creates.
I claim the Symbol, the Formula, the violet flame and the golden light. I am divine love.
Life is good.
And so it is!
“This above all: To thine own self be true.”
– William Shakespeare
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