…is one entity. Think of a great hug: it isn’t a complete hug unless both parties are giving and receiving at the same time. All energy interacts the same way. To only give is to create and allow half the hug. Same thing with receiving. BOTH have to be in play for the hug to happen.
Money must circulate to expand. You “hug” people by sharing it. They “hug” you back by returning it. Or the Universe returns it to you.
Same in relationships (work, personal, world). You give energy to the relationship, and you receive energy back with your interactions and allowing.
Success works the same way. You “give” your talents, and you receive applause, money, kudos, and a lot of heart satisfaction.
Even our Health works on this principle. The more you “give” it positive food, thoughts, and exercise, the more energy and stamina is returned to you.
Look back on these four subjects. Where might your giving OR receiving be improved?
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