It’s a challenge throughout my life…feeling respected. I know where it comes from and how it was modeled to me. Early in my childhood, my father had a good friend betray him in his new business. He lost everything. I can literally still feel the depression of being disrespected by someone you trusted.
Later in my early twenties, the same thing happened to my brother: new business…best friend betrayal…disrespect. Call it a pattern, call it a genetic belief. It doesn’t matter. What matters is I am aware of the same pattern in my own life now. That pattern of 1) I trust you 2) I believe you and 3) I am destined to be disrespected and used by you.
OK. That’s how it feeeeeeeeeeels. And the channel is saying this is up for everyone right now. So, applying our work, what do we want to CHOOSE?
1) I am the Creation of Me
2) Those are THEIR stories. What story do I want to write of my own. For myself?
a) I am respected and honored in this world.
b) I am destined to create my highest good for myself.
c) I am supposed to be here: getting everything I want with dignity and respect, love and honor from all energy
I am determined to rewrite this story this year, through love for myself and others. Which begins with respect for myself. Then that signal goes out for all other energy to match.
Wanna join me?
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