Why are so many people angry? It’s everywhere. It’s an epidemic. The answer will surprise you. Because ………… They feel like they have no control over their lives and the world, and they need someone to blame. Someone to be a...


I am going to present to you the most important “tweak” necessary to move your creation process along. Ready? STOP LOOKING AT YOUR CREATION AS HAPPENING IN THE FUTURE. As soon as you ask, it is delivered to you. It is complete. The more you know and...


This Mother’s Day was one of the most special I can remember. Not only was I celebrated by all my family; I also got to celebrate my daughter on her first Mother’s Day. I can’t tell you what joy that brought me. To watch my daughter love and care for...


“When I value myself, I have to abandon myself, OR everyone else has to abandon me.” This core belief is emerging in many of the personal sessions and channeled information with friends and family. I wanted to bring it into the forefront for everyone....