I am. Overwhelmed.


And it’s important that you monitor yourself, because this reemergence into our full lives might just bring it on! Especially if you have been a crazy creating fool like me doing the INSIDE work of creation so that when the world opened up, there was a lot of creation afoot.


So now, I have booked a commercial, am leaving to do a convention, and have three major creations I must address in the next two weeks. So, what is a busy creator to do?


Stay in the moment.

Stay in the moment.

Stay in the moment.


When you stay in the moment, get clear about what the next immediate task is, open your heart and chakras, straighten your Hara Line, and ASK FOR HELP the channel opens up for you and the information and guidance begins flowing in.


Suddenly, you have more clarity and energy to meet your tasks, and things move back into flow and out of overwhelm. Then, you don’t fall into that sneaky core belief about “When I value myself I have to abandon myself.” The way we abandon ourselves is by going into overwhelm and shutting down.


So breathe, open your heart, and allow things to flow. After all, that’s what you have been learning to do in the creation process.


Reap the rewards, my beautiful people. You deserve it!




“Almost everything will work when you unlug it for a few minutes. Including you.” 


“Start by doing what is necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
-St. Francis of Assisi