The channel gave me this topic, which took me to a personal breakthrough I wanted to share with you!

It began by me feeling disrespected at a convention. Someone took steps without me being asked, and I was offended.

I felt that I had “dealt with it and let it go.” Then the next day, I felt disrespected by a person I work closely with. I could reason why how things were handled were “disrespectful.” I was feeling LEFT by people whom I depended on and trusted.

When I got to my next destination, I could feel my energy off. I was definitely in “reaction.” So I sat down with my pendulum to do the work. It took me to Cre Belief #20: “When I value myself, I have to abandon myself OR everyone else has to abandon me.”

It went back to 4 years old with my grandmother. I had been a bright little girl and just started kindergarten at 4. That meant that my grandmother had to take me during the day so mom could work. I had to be “left” because I was achieving! What a revelation! I can look back and see this pattern and how it replayed in my life over and over again. Now, I direct me to know that “the more I achieve and create what I want, the more people stay and support me with love.


Be conscious. When you are in reaction, there is FREEDOM for you when you wake up!
