I love this time of year! Everything is “waking up.” A metaphor I love. The songs of the birdies during our walk are so joyful and new. So full of ecstasy. We actually stopped just to listen for a while…and Freedom didn’t mind a bit! As we were walking to Gabrielle’s, the sky itself was putting on a show better that any July 4th presentation. Behind us were multicolored hues of orange and amber, and ahead of us were brilliant pinks mixed with blues. Stunning. Again, we just stopped to relish in the moment. A gift of nature not to be missed.

The world was happy. Peaceful. Grateful. And so were we.

Let us all take time today to “stop and smell the roses.” To truly appreciate nature’s gifts we are blessed with.

Send love to the birdies and the bees and the fishes and the cool breeze.

Yes, even they love to be loved.

And we get to practice sharing our love and appreciation. Everybody wins!
