I was reading this article on my news feed about the positive effects of adding the element of AWE to your simple walks. It piqued my interest. So this morning, Freedom and I went on an AWE Walk. We left with the intention of “finding and seeing Awesomeness in everything.” We came to the end of our block and a huge crow swept right in front of me, climbed to the top of the tree, and sat there screeching at us. I consciously remembered to look through the eyes of Awe. Pretty soon we were having a full blown, back-and-forth conversation. He would talk, I would listen, and I would respond back. We had this meeting of the minds for about 5 full minutes. I thanked my new friend and we went on our way.

As we turned the corner, I spied an ant carrying a huge piece of food. It was three times the size of the little guy, and I marveled at how strong and agile this tiny creature was. And how determined. I mused that yes, indeed, I was in awe of him.

As Freedom and I proceeded, an entire flock of birds passed overhead in a dazzling display of color and formation. A little girl walking her doll in her carriage strolled by with her mother. They stopped, crouched down and her mom started explaining all the different colors of the beautiful flowers that were out. My heart swelled. I saw myself and Gabrielle all those years ago performing the same ritual. Yes. I took time to feel the AWE.

It occurred to me that this was the perfect example of INTENTION. I held the intention of experiencing AWE, and the Universe complied. I encourage you to take an AWE walk. Let the Awesomeness of Life into your consciousness. Maybe you, too, can have a heartfelt discussion with a magnificent crow!
