It’s been an adventure! A wonderful, loving adventure! And I’m exhausted!

Stone didn’t sleep a wink on the plane. He also didn’t cry ONCE. It was amazing to see those little eyes taking in and studying everything…from the people moving and smiling at him, to the dogs in the airport, to watching the planes before take-off…. all those miraculous daily things we adults take for granted.

Of course, the flight attendants fell in love with him, as did all the waiters and waitresses at all the upscale restaurants we frequented. Again, a happy little camper…as long as he had food “just like mommy!” Can’t believe how many mashed potatoes he put away!

Today we’re off to see all the bats that fly from a bridge near our hotel. We’re all excited to share this adventure and share it with Stone. To watch his precious little eyes seeing the world with new wonderment.

My intention is to invite myself to look at this world with new eyes of wonderment and open amazement. To be as a little child. To be open to all possibilities. And to receive the love. Thanks, Stone! What a wonderful teacher you are!
