As we know, making a statement of intention wakes up the Universe and gets the ball rolling. As soon as I decided on the next webinar, THE CREATION AND MANIFESTATION PROCESS, the ball took off like a snowball rolling downhill. I have to give you the latest insight and understanding that has come in through a myriad of ways. Here it is in a nutshell:

We keep being tested by the outside world and ourselves because we are not knowing and experiencing we are the God of Us…that is the Power, Love, Joy and Choice. We are not allowing ourselves to know because we are in fear that, once we DO know, it will be taken from us. And so we keep ourselves from manifesting, because we are afraid of losing the manifestation, and so we don’t manifest it. And around and around and around we go.

You don’t know if you can learn to swim until you get in. Babies do it naturally. And then they learn to be afraid, and have to be TAUGHT how to overcome their fear and swim. Elephants are held by a chain around one leg from birth so they learn to stay in their place. Even when the chain is taken off, they don’t venture into their freedom because they have been trained to be docile non-creators in their adventure of life.

So in order to create, we must dare the Universe to respond. We must expect the sumptuous feast we deserve will be delivered according to our order. It is done. I have it. Period. Powerful direction and claiming of what we want. And coupling that power with the power of an open heart is mesmerizing to the Universe. It cannot resist the love affair offered. It must join the dance.

Claim that lover! Walk bravely into your power of choice and direction. It belongs to you. It IS you. And allow yourself to receive. Plenty, plenty, plenty is our chant! Love, love, love is our flag of truth. As you believe, it is delivered to you. Believe in your power and choice and love and joy. Believe in your light. It is your tool. Use it well, and rejoice!

Blessings, Dee