I just have to write about it because I am so freakin’ filled up with it!


I took Freedom on our gratitude walk yesterday, and I was just bursting with joy over the beautiful day, the birds singing, the neighborhood I love, and the doggie that gets my rump out to experience it every day.


And during the walk, it occurred to me that there was not anything in particular I was happy about. I was just…happy. And that if I hadn’t been happy, maybe I wouldn’t have even seen the blue sky, or heard the birds sing, or noticed the hundreds of colors surrounding me in the budding plants along our way.


And THEN it occurred to me…I’m happier because…I’m happy. And happy sees more happy perspectives. Happy sees more colors, and hears more music. The perspective of “happy” can literally change the way we see the world. Make it brighter. Make it more tangible. And that state creates more of what we want, and then we are even MORE joyful.


It’s so easy!

1) Set the intention: Today, I Am Joy

2) pick joyful things to do for yourself, or, someone else, because the experience of giving to either is joyful!

3) Allow yourself to let go and see the beauty, hear the beauty, walk and smell the beauty.


Joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart! We used to sing that in church. Now I really get it.



“Dream up a good life.”

 -Jim Carrey