I wish I had my mom here to celebrate this Mother’s Day. She was a force in this world that taught me strength, love, resilience, determination and possibilities. I thank her every day for giving me the qualities that make up who I Am, because I love who I Am.


I love me for being the mother I am, also. I’m a good mother who loves her child unconditionally. And I have done my utmost to teach her the qualities I was taught, so she, too, could love who she is.


My prayer is that now, the soon-to-be a mother herself, proudly and purposefully teaches her son these same attributes. I hope she loves him unconditionally, while teaching him the respect and honor for others so important to his character. I wish for him that he, too, one day, looks up to the heavens and thanks his grandma and mom for instilling in him the qualities that make him the amazing person I know he will be.


Here’s to you, my grandson, and to your mom. May you thrive and be joyous!

