by Dee Wallace | Sep 28, 2020 | blog
OK. You’re going to have to keep an open mind on this one. I’m sick of it. Injustice. I am sick of people “getting away with unjust and immoral acts because of legal loopholes.” I’m sick of people messing with other people’s lives...
by Dee Wallace | Sep 21, 2020 | blog
I am well into channeling the issues for the Summit, and one of the prevalent things people are asking help with creating is Relationships. So, let’s go over what we know: 1) You have to know what you want. Make a list of all the attributes you want in a...
by Dee Wallace | Sep 14, 2020 | blog
MONEY makes the world go around, the world go around, the world go around…I LOVE that song from Cabaret! You know why? Because money is an expression of energy: I’ll exchange this energy of money for the energy of your service, or time, or...
by Dee Wallace | Sep 7, 2020 | blog
I am excited. I am floored. I am honored. I have been studying, compiling, and channeling information about health and wellness for a good month now in preparation for The Health and Wellness Summit beginning September 21th. As always, I am led to realizations I do...
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