When I was a little girl, Easter was an exciting time for me: a new dress, some new shoes, an Easter basket full of goodies, and a beautiful Easter service at church where all of us would celebrate the joy of the Resurrection.

My mother’s amazing Easter drama had been performed for a week, and moved many to tears and heart opening experiences. Even as a young child, I remember wondering how men could have been so full of hatred to hang someone on a cross. “It must have hurt so bad,” I tearily confided in my mother. And she would reply, “Yes, DD, that’s why it’s so important to love people. Love doesn’t let hate take over.” In my young mind, I reasoned that that is why there was so much celebration going on at Easter: we were all trying to experience the love.

As I grew up, and was confronted by my own experiences of hatred, I tried to remember my mother’s words: Love doesn’t let the hatred take over. Sometimes it was easy to hold on to that principle. Sometimes it seemed impossible. But that guidance always brought me back to my heart…even if it took years.

Now I am teaching that simple legacy of love to others. I am celebrating us all living the resurrection of the Self: rising up in Love. We are rolling away the stones that have kept us entombed, and joining in the psalms of Hallelujah!!  It’s a simple story really, that story of Love. That’s just all there Is.

Blessings, Dee