IT IS OUR GRANDEST QUEST RIGHT NOW IN THIS MOMENT: Know, Claim and Be the Experience of Safety and Security in the World. The second deepest core fear is that we will not be ok…that we will not be taken care of. It follows closely the disbelief, “I Am the God of Me.” If we do not know we are safe in the world we live in fight or flight, our adrenals and glandular systems are compromised, we cannot stay in our Knowing, and we create a continuing circle of fear. Fear does not support POWER, and personal power is what we are being asked to embrace and BE. Join Dee for this empowering two hour webinar where we hold the intention of absolute peace and security within ourselves and in this world: where we own our power. As a community, for the blessings of the collective, let us release all fear and embrace the power of creation that we are.
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