by Dee Wallace | Aug 28, 2017 | blog
The series I have been doing for three years is finally coming to a close. I’m glad. And yet I will miss many of the people I have grown close to. But the info from the last webinar keeps lingering in my consciousness: things have to end for something else to...
by Dee Wallace | Aug 21, 2017 | blog
I love that state of euphoria when you are filled up with love and joy and wonderment. Sometimes it happens in church, sometimes when I see a rainbow, sometimes when I look at a baby, or my daughter, or hear an incredible song or choir. Every one of those experiences...
by Dee Wallace | Aug 14, 2017 | blog
Confidence is the opposite of doubt. So to gain confidence, you must understand what doubt is. Doubt is always about something that is positive. You doubt someone’s honesty; you never doubt their dishonesty. You doubt the goodness in other people; you never...
by Dee Wallace | Jul 31, 2017 | blog
OK, I want to continue with what I shared in last week’s eblast about “everyone letting me down.” That is, indeed, how the world presented itself to me. To recap, my cleaning woman didn’t show up, Joanie gave me a two week notice, paychecks...
by Dee Wallace | Jul 24, 2017 | blog
That was my week. Every single person that works for me and is there to support me, let me down last week. THAT WAS MY PERSPECTIVE. And if you have a belief driving that perspective, that is how you see the world and that is the experience you get. My cleaning lady...
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