*BRAND NEW* The Little Child Webinar


January 22nd, 2025 

6pm PM / 9pm ET


This is one of the most important webinars I have ever offered. As you know, a child’s brain is locked in to their belief system by 8 years old. Whatever we are taught, or visually watch between conception and 8 years, create the beliefs we build our lives around…until we consciously redirect them.

In this webinar, you will receive:


1) Your Little Child’s dominant limiting/false belief


2) Experience a powerful meditation to redirect your child, and integrate them into your adult self for maximum partnership into the positive


If your Little Child isn’t working with you, it is working against you.


Join Dee and the Channel in this empowering webinar for the maximum positive powerful creation in 2025.


As always, if you need financial assistance please email us at [email protected]


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