“To share from your heart is to say to the world:
I trust you and know I am
safe and secure here”
-Dee Wallace
It began on the week before Good Friday. I was scheduled to do a half day on a film presentation for a friend and director. It was originally set for Saturday, April 16. Somehow, it got moved with my agent to Sunday. Easter Sunday. And I didn't know until Friday night...
If you are waiting for God, the guides, or the angels to give you a clear direction, you will be waiting for a very long time. Why? Because God gave you the free will to create yourself through CHOICE. It says clearly in the I Am Discourses that, "God cannot and will...
I'm going through a difficult test right now. An old wound has been opened up by an age-old advisory, and I am in reaction. It is a hurt of disrespects, lack of integrity, and unfairness. A hurt that damaged my career. AND THAT IS MY STORY I KEEP TELLING. It's...
Priorities are important. If you don't know how to prioritize, you can go easily into overwhelm. Here is some help from the channel about prioritizing: 1) If there is a deadline, meet it first. 2) If there is more than one deadline, prioritize exactly WHEN...
Without responsibility, creation either doesn't happen or is incomplete. So, let's dive in to how the channel defines responsibility: 1) We are all responsible for CHOOSING the thoughts, feelings, perceptions and beliefs that send out the strongest signal of...
I am back working out with my trainer after two years of Covid (thank God.) Working out helps keep me sane and feeling good about myself. I call him my Obi-Wan Kenobe. He may be a trainer, but he is definitely wise beyond words. We often have little mini philosophical...
The channel is focusing a lot on receiving these days. As we know, creating is Recigive: receiving and giving as one fluid, continuous movement. Some people are overly focused on giving, even to the point that they "give up themselves to take care of others." Some are...
I have been musing over the last few films I have done and how art is imitating and dovetailing with my life as a healer. The first movie was a delightful little romantic comedy about my daughter who, in her middle school years, had made a vision board. Cut to...
Today's eblast is an article by Dr. Joe Dispenza, a leading brain expert. It is everything we are teaching and practicing. Please, do yourself a favor and read this article. Often, people new to this work ask me, “Why aren’t I healed? Why haven't I had that...
I am shooting this lovely little family film out in Santa Clarita. The scenes today take place on a ranch where there are all kinds of animals: horses, Shetland ponies, geese, and even a very gentle ram that loves to have his head scratched. But the pen that kept...
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