“To share from your heart is to say to the world:
I trust you and know I am
safe and secure here”
-Dee Wallace
Birds do it. Bees do it. Even educated fleas do it! We all age. I want to include here a little poem my grandmother recited to the doctor when they were evaluating whether she was "able to live in her own home or should be sent directly to a nursing...
I was watching an old movie and its theme was about gambling. The older guy was teaching the younger guy how to win. His basic advice was: You play the man, not the game. The next day I am watching a political debate on CNN. They were discussing elections and the...
If I need a testament to our work, I'm it. I don't know what portal I have opened, but I do know how I opened it: I lived consciously, followed the creation formula, and voila!...walked through and into the magic. It is an exciting time: I have four films and a...
I love coming home. I love the known I walk into. I love the regiment of my days at home. I love watching Freedom slapping around her play toys and ferociously guarding the back yard from the mighty squirrels and birds that might invade her space. I love feeling Lanny...
It always happens: go away to location and just see all the info that comes in. Well, I've got some incredible new insights to share. Here is how the world works: I declare the intention for 2019 that we will receive complete information about healing ourselves...
So here I am, in Capetown, South Africa. One of the most beautiful places on Earth, and totally foreign to many things American. I mean, really, doesn't EVERY place have Law and Order on TV? And where are all the familiar faces on CNN? The TV is like a foreign object...
I've been here before. I loved it. One of the most spiritual moments of my life was astride a horse on a sandy beach, here with my daughter. God filled me up inside with his love that day. We were also treated to a Safari because the shoot was behind. Again, an...
I just realized a very interesting fact about last year: I was focused on "turning seventy." Now, as you well might conclude from our work, that had all kinds of subconscious beliefs hidden within it. There is an age where we all believe we are "old." Mine obviously...
Let's make that our New Year Resolution: I know and accept my own worth. I Am the creation of Me. The season for victim consciousness is over for this community. This year we stand victorious in our creation process. We Choose, we Know, we Intend, we Feel, we Act, we...
The song We Wish You a Merry Christmas keeps wafting through my holiday focused brain. Christmas consumes me. I have a Christmas closet I add to all year long. I look for special little things for special people and secretly tuck them away for the special season that...
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